Monday, August 13, 2007

August 13, 2007
London, Ontario

I was so determined to see me some flaming balls during this year's Perseid shower that I drove out of town quick as I could as soon as the clouds lifted last night around 2am. This image was taken by moi on some random farm dirt road outside of London, Ontario at approx. 2:22am... Besides the meteors you can clearly see the Pleides above and Mars just below. C'est magique!

Loving the meteor magic... click image to enlarge!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007
London, Ontario

Ladies & Gents, the good news is, we're finally done mixing the new album (for real!!) Hooray! Now onto the mastering and getting it out into the world! Also, in the last ten days I've done two major photo shoots with the amazing Kevin Kelly for the album cover. We did one shoot in his studio and the other up in majestic clock tower of Toronto's Old City Hall. It was quite the process to get granted access and quite the adventure to get us up there. 290 steps (on the hottest day of the year!) with all our stuff... I was a melting statue of makeup and clock  tower dust by the end of it all but we got some gorgeous shots. You'll all be seeing them very soon on the "Own Sweet Time" album cover! Otherwise, I've been enjoying a relaxing summer. Have been house sitting for some gal pals in TO and loving their super-sweet pad, ginormous bathtub, patio heaven and cable tv! How much do I love the bad Relic Hunter re-runs on a too-hot to breathe weekday afternoon

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

July 31, 2007
London, Ontario

Hello dahhhlings. Getting ready to head to Toronto for some new-album photo shoots this week! Do you like the black and white skirt or should I go with a red dress.... I don't know!! ohhh decisions decisions! Regardless, I'm so looking forward to getting something fine done to my hair and heading out into that unfathomable humidex and seeing how well it all holds. Will report later, with hopefully some fine photos to show to boot...! xxx K

Oh, what to wear for the new album photo shoot?