Monday, September 22, 2003

September 22, 2003
Gid Brown Hollow, VA

Greetings again, from the wet wilds of Virginia. I'm back in the hollow after a truly insane trip down to Nashville and all points in between!! Had a serious blast at the Nashville New Music Conference meeting crazy talented (and rather stylish) folks from all over. Then I headed up to the Bristol area for the Birthplace of Country Music and Carter Family museums. Got to take Maybelle the Van to see where Maybelle Carter (her namsake) was born and it all began... Got back just in time for Hurricane Isabel who ripped through Thursday night leaving us with no power or water for five days now (and no end in sight...) Guess thay can't figure out where the power lines got knocked down so they've been combing the mountains with helicopters all weekend. So I'm livin' it up in ye olden way in the little log cabin in the hills reading books by candlelight and haulin' buckets of water in from the swampy pond to flush the potty. Since the hurricane I've had three gigs in the area (all which thankfully had power for the PA) and I can drive into town to get hot coffee, so I've really got nothin' at all to complain about. Except maybe the little kitten Evilina who keeps catching mice and snakes and giant elephant beetles (and I mean GIANT) that I have to take away from her and then deal with. Ew! (Good thing I'm a brave one.) Will be here for another week of writing retreat and rehearsing and then heading back to Ontario for the fall. (gotta be somewhere with power and cable in time for the season premiere of Angel... Very Important.)
love'n kisses, K

Once upon a time in a little cabin in the holler... more photos!

Friday, September 5, 2003

September 5, 2003
Sperryville, VA

Look at me!! Back in the Shenandoah holler...Glorious rural Virginia abounds all around me and I am having my first official visit to Jenny's new 300 year old cabin ( that used to belong to a bootlegger.... no lyin') And let me tell ya I have had QUITE the trip so far... Holeee. I'm actually thinking this might qualify as possibly the FUNNEST tour I've ever had 'cept maybe yesterday when I drove down the gloomy dirty nasty icky I-95 from NYC to DC and hit ALL the disgustoid rush hour traffic jams along the way. Yikes. At least I had the new Harry Potter book on tape to keep me entertained... ( But pauvre Harry's going through some rough spots right now and I was forced to commiserate along with him. Boohoo. ) 

My adventure began two weeks ago when I hit the road for the Eaglewood Folk Fest up in Pefferlaw, Ont. Had an amazing weekend there with fabulous performers and friends, then swiftly hauled it to Peterborough for their folk fest main stage on Sunday night. Ptbo was a divine experience as I used to live there and all my friends came out to visit!! Yeehaw! After that it was off to lover-ly Vermont for some visitation and resting and mass consumption of Thai food and sushi. Mmmmmmm. Next I had my maiden voyage to Boston and surrounding zones for the Labour Day weekend Campfire Festival at Club Passim. Now THAT was fun. Got to meet fabuloso performers from all over and wander about the green pastures of Harvard fantasizing about going there one day (for my highly esteemed PhD in sword-slinging butt-kicking geetar-picking singer-songwriter-ing.) Or possibly some Rocket Science..?. And THEN came my favourite part (drum roll.....) when I got to have my "Vacation" in Salem where I spent too much money on witch-shaped things (but really, what's TOO much?) and visited various witchy museums and monuments. Ate some damn fine stuffed scallops at Victoria Station, then got sucked in to the happenings at Salem's Vintage Photography... There I got tons of wicked novelty photos taken that will for sure go down the archives as a wholly worthy cause. Check out some of the Salem Sessions photos!! 

So now I'm here in the holler fore a few days resting up and getting work done, then off to Nashville for showcasing at the Nashville New Music Conference (and a good thing cause I REALLY need a new pair of guitar shaped nail-clippers!)
yours ever so truly, 

xo, K

Check out photos from the Salem Sessions here!