Tuesday, April 1, 2003

April 1, 2003
London, Ontario

Greetings sweet lovelies, 

Happy April Fools!! Ahhh the spring it comes finally.... Even tho it's a wee bit of a brrr one today, Raven the dog and I are still supremely psyched at the excellent meltingness of snow (which means WAY more forest walking fun and other said goodness.) Have just returned home from a lovely trip up to Ottawa for gigs and friends and art gallerying and museum visitation. There's a "Mysteries of the Bog People" exhibit on at the Museum of Civilization and I could not resist the lure of the illustrious Bog Man. Was a bit of an archaeology girl in University and have written many a serious bog body epic essay in my time ('tis true!) Had a total intellectual bronze age blast. Also, I've been listening to the "Life of Emily Carr" book on tape by Paula Blanchard while driving and am SO incredibly passionately in love with Emily Carr and her story. It's even more exciting for me cause it's set in Victoria, BC in way yonder day (late 1800s early 1900s) and I have been learning much craziness about the history of my old neighbourhoods and haunts. In other news I have been keeping busy with much music work, but also finding time for the ever important fun and I just can't wait for warm weather and tank tops and rolling in grass... Mmmnnnn grass rolling.... Altho, I am quite enjoying the slowness of spring and am loving every second of the end of my first full (and totally frickin' brr) winter I've spent in Ontario in over 8 years! And I even got to have a true Canadian maple moment the other day when my darling friend Mary Beth took me out to her family's sugarbush-in-the-woods. It was my first adventure of the maple syrup shack variety and I was truly overcome by the glorious goodness of it all. Imagine: big blazing woodstove in little shack in the wood cranking out the heat with simmering vats of maple sap steaming up the air with sweet sugary yum. The ultimate steam bath of heavenly goodness! I am sure there is nothing so delicious in this world as wood smoke and maple steam. Mmmmnnnnn delish!

So, in terms of my upcoming travels, I'll be heading to Toronto this weekend the play with James Keelaghan at Hugh's Room, then it's off to Michigan for "Ladyfest"and then down to the the Blue Ridge mountains of sweet Virginia for some May Day bonfire extravaganza... Hope to see y'all out in the yonders.

xo, k

Little Raven and her Alligator on my bed.