Thursday, October 31, 2002

October 31rst, 2002
Toronto, Ontario

Happy Halloweenie! Yayyy and welcome to my officially most favouritest day of the year.!! This year I am in Toronto and my friends Katie, Miss M and I are going out on the town to ook and spook the passers by. Wish us luck!!! This year I've got a bit of the scary death girl look going on with the skull mask and the black cape and the way-too-much eye makeup. Look out hooligans! Quiver in the face of my towering ferocity! Cause tommorrow it's back to being sweet little Kristin...

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Serena Ryder, Darlene and Lady K at the OCFF Conference 2002
MMMmmmmmmmmmmm yellow world.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

October 15th, 2002
London, Ontario

Hello lovely world. Me and Raven the dog are having a grand old time house sitting for my parents while they are off in gaie Paris. I have been working real hard with the business of graphic design and printing and assembling all my new promotional material to begin sending off to every corner of the wide world. I will be updating the website soon with a secure online store (Pay Pal) so folks can BUY THE CD ONLINE!!! wahoooo! so please tune in again in a couple weeks if you are interested in ordering "Root, Heart & Crown."Also, the photo gallery will soon be elaborately finished with all different kinds of please come back for more soon! Downloadable picture perfect Press Photos coming soon too! 

love, kristin

Me and little Raven