Wednesday, May 30, 2007

May 29, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Well folks, I'd say we're about 97% done recording the new album! Yeeehaw! Still a bit of work to come but I am SO so so pleased with all we have magically created. This has been a supreme month in the studio filled with amazing guests... Suzie Vinnick (harmony vocals), Anne Lindsay (violin ), Roman Borys (cello), Ben Grossman (hurdy gurdy and percussion), Jorge Miguel (flamenco guitar) and Ernie Tollar (flute) all came and did amazing things. For some photos of the sessions click here.

Rock on! Sweetland in the Studio (more photos)

Friday, May 18, 2007

May 18, 2007
London, Ontario

Ladies and Gentlemen... In London briefly with time to kiss the dog and run out the door again. Had a fine night last night in Hamilton watching Luke Doucet and his amazing band rock the Casbah. Oh Yeah!! Heading to Windsor tonight to play a spontaneous show with those boys... good times ahead. Will report more on all other fronts soon. xo

Maxin and relaxin in the Hammer

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

May 15, 2007
London, Ontario

I have been fascinated for weeks by the family of cardinals that made their little nest outside the kitchen window. First they built the nest, then the mama cardinal laid some eggs, then she sat on the eggs for days and days until the wee ones finally hatched. Now they're growing up fast and are soon to fly away... Does anyone remember that episode of the Sopranos where Tony loves the ducks and when they fly away he gets very sad? Hoping I will not suffer the same fate when my little fledglings fledge... fly little birdies, fly. xx

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

May 1, 2007
Toronto, ON


I just can't help but love the supreme glory of May. Perhaps it's because I'm a May-baby or perhaps cause it usually means that Spring is finally and truly upon us! (No more freak Ontario spring snow-storms...please!) Couldn't find a maypole to dance around today but got to enjoy the Morris dancers doing their crazy stick dance outside the restaurant where I breakfasted this morn. Had yet another great day in the studio today with the amazing Stephen Fearing. Have posted some new photos from the studio sessions and there's more to come soon! Lots more fine guests coming to play on the album in the next couple weeks and then we are done!! There will be much celebration in the streets... I am sure. 

Till soon, xo K

In the studio Sweetland-style... more photos here!

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