Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Hello sweethearts! Had a wild night last eve at my friend Miss M's karaoke birthday party. We got the full-on private room with the black light mural and the disco ball and everything. Thought you might all enjoy the photo of me doing my agent Scully routine, trying to escape though the ceiling. Self portraits à la Sweetland can be so entertaining... and by the way, I sang me some serious Madonna - and I Live to Tell. 

Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Just back from an amazing gig at Hugh's Room this evening... "Girls do Boys" presented by Michael Wrycraft was a crazy evening of fabulous female singer-songwriters performing the work of their favourite male songwriters. I was joined by the glorious likes of Lori Cullen, Sass Jordan, Angela Harris, Margaret Stowe and more... got to bust out my Eminem (Lose Yourself and Stan) and ripped it up so hard! Loved it. Gonna have to start playing those songs more often. Sooooooo much fun!!!! For more photos from the show click here.

Doing Eminem @ the Girls do Boys show (more photos)
photography by Daniel Marcincak

Michael Wrycraft's gorgeous "Girls do Boys" poster