Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 18, 2011
Toronto, ON

Dear Santa,

I know I usually write sooner, but for some reason I'm just not in the Christmas spirit yet. And not in a bad way. I'm surely no Sweetlandish Scrooge. But more in the kind of way you might be if you were mysteriously adrift on a barge south of the equator, or perhaps a raft. Actually, I pick barge. And somehow you seem to have lost track of the days... What month is it again? Can you pass me the sunscreen? Actually, I think I may be adrift all alone. With my fishing pole and my trunk of booty. There are distant islands to be discovered, and pirate ships to be plundered.

And not a single flake of snow in sight.

Usually around this time I'd be asking for something tall, dark and handsome carrying a chilled bottle of Dom Perignon ('76, if you have it.) Or a mountain of money to record my new album, or a pair of shiny red snowshoes... But this year I want something else.

All I want for Christmas is NOT world peace, true love, or my two front teeth. I just want a fantastic and successful year ahead. May all my many projects come to glorious fruition in 2012! And may all of yours.




P.S. If I'm not quite in the holiday spirit yet, I will be soon enough! Playing a festive show tomorrow night at Not My Dog with Jadea Kelly, Andrea Ramolo & Cindy Doire, and Roger Marin... Wassail!

Somebody's getting a postcard... 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1, 2011
Toronto, ON

Gentle Readers,

It is I, your delinquent Sweetypie with tales from far and wide. Or perhaps, just tall tales. You decide. My sincere apologies for the delay in updates lately. I plead intensely artistically focused, and impressively social! You would be proud. And you did miss an important thing or two while I was busy being so busy. But here's the Coles Notes version. I played incredible shows with the likes of Micah Barnes, Jess McAvoy, Andrea Ramolo and Cindy Doire (more to come on all fronts!) As well, I hosted a slough of highly attractive house guests, rocked Halloween like only a drowned sailor girl can, cooked innumerable feasts, practiced loads of guitar, digitized my entire music collection, read my Sherlock Holmes like a good girl, ran through forests with happy poodles, wished upon a star, celebrated 11-11-11, and placed a beautiful model ship in my office window as a symbol... My ship has come in. Seriously.

So, the big news in Sweetland is one of epic proportions. Aurevoir Ruby the Van! You were the best horse ever. 7 1/2 years, 300,000 kms, and a whole world of adventures later... we say goodbye. Now I get to introduce the world to LADYSHIP.  All sexy soccer mom spy on the outside, and Venusian palace of delight on the inside (photos of her glory to come!) Together, we shall conquer the continent. Spring tour can't come too soon.

And until then I sure have my work cut out for me. A couple new albums, a book of my photography, new videos, and a motherload of flamenco dance classes later, we'll be good to go. It also looks like I'm going to be sitting in on guitar (studio and live) with some pretty amazing artists in the coming months and year. More info on axe-slinging sideperson Sweetland coming soon. We all know that sometimes I just want to wear a wig, stand in a dark corner, and play some serious guitar.

And so be it. 

Hope you can make it out to an upcoming show!

Lots of love from the big city,


P.S. I promise to write soon. And check your mailbox for postcards!

A handsome ship on the horizon!
More fall photos here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18, 2011
Toronto, ON

I'm Home Sweetland Home after an epic weekend at the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals conference in Niagara Falls. I've been to tons of these kinds of events in the past, but I confess, this was one of the best. It was so good to see so many of the people I dearly love in one place! It's always overwhelming in the most cathartic and heart-warming of ways. Highlights included Thursday night dinner with James Keelaghan, one of my favourite people on the planet, big hugs from the beautiful Tannis Slimmon, mysterious moments with Mr. Mystery himself, Bill Bourne, and finally getting to meet the newest addition to the Trevor Mills/Selena Burgess family, baby Abigail! Not to mention, the glorious gala dinner and awards ceremony to honour Trevor's papa Paul Mills for all he has given to our community over the years. The highlight of said ceremony for me (besides being flanked at my table on either side by a handsome man-sandwich) was the brilliant film by another of my favourite gentlemen, Monsieur Andy Frank. I don't think I ever leave the gala dinner with a dry eye, good thing my mascara is badass waterproof.

On the first night, I initiated myself with a big adventure down to the falls (which are not a Wonder of the World for no good reason.)  It took me ages to get there, street after street, kitchy hotel after hotel, over a bridge, down a hill and straight into the mist. By the time I pointed homeward I was soaking head-to-toe, wind-blown and seriously high on negative ions. I decided to take a shortcut back, which somehow led me to me scale a muddy cliff (in my Sweetlandish heels!) right up onto some train tracks, over a fence and into a churchyard cemetery. I definitely earned the new photo I took for my eternal Adventures in Sweetland series... so perfectly Halloween.

Then, the universe saw fit to deliver me a strange challenge, as I woke up on Friday morning with absolutely no voice!  I guess the soggy evening's adventure the night before was a bit much for my currently delicate constitution. So I whispered, mimed, smiled and nodded my way through the rest of the conference. I was trooper and still played two of my three showcases. Good thing I have an arsenal of instrumentals, and am pretty effing entertaining... even when I can't sing.

Musically, I enjoyed hearing the lovely Ann Vriend for the first time, as well as new pals Cindy Doire and Andrea Ramolo. Attended a great showcase by dear friend (and newlywed) David Newland, and so wished I could have sung along to the sweet sounds of Jessie Dee and Jacquie B... On the last night of the conference we gave'r till dawn with an all-night jam in the Tunesmith Room hosted by David Ross Macdonald. Somehow it all degenerated into an early morning dance party on the balcony. We drank bourbon out of the bottle and a trumpet played the 2001 Space Odyssey theme as the sun rose over Niagara Falls...


So I'm back at Casa Sweetlandia resting up until further notice. My folks just came by and dropped off Ursa the Sweetland family beast while they're off vacationing somewhere warm. Puppy snuggles are very healing, and the good news is, I just opened my mouth and sound came out! Hallelujah.

Love, honey, and high notes,


Boo! More photos from my recent adventures here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 10, 2011
Toronto, ON

Happy Thanksgiving! It's yet another incredibly glorious day in the big city. I'm relaxing by the metaphorical pool after last night's fantastic Thanksgiving dinner chez moi.  Our meal was delicious and surprisingly vegan, featuring all the traditional fixings à la Sweetland. (And a live concert by the one and only Darlene while I cooked!) Tonight I will also be quite chefly, preparing a vat of saffron risotto for my dear pal Andy White who's in town for a visit.

Besides all the cooking and lounging about in my rose garden, I have been such a busy woman. Making tour plans for coming year, working on the new album, attending strange and adventurous auditions, dancing flamenco in the kitchen, and performing various impressive feats of housework. I've also been working at the Gladstone Hotel lately as an event photographer, shooting some of their amazing music and art soirées. I had a blast there last weekend for Nuit Blanche! You can have a peek at some of my photos from the evening here.

And for new shots from my eternal Adventures in Sweetland...

New concert dates are also now posted on my tour page. Even more coming soon... Stay tuned!



P.S.  I'm so excited to see all my friends at the OCFF conference in Niagara Falls this weekend! Meet you in a dark stairwell.

At the Gladstone...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

September 3, 2011
Toronto, ON

Good morning! The sun just emerged from behind a cloud —as if on cue— when the church bells across the street started ringing. I usually let said bells rise me on Sunday mornings. Then I peek out from my window perch to watch the minister greet all the smiling morning parishioners who seem to have made it to church on time. But today I've been long awake, lying here in my polka-dot bed, conscious but seriously dreaming.

I know it's not the real end of the summer yet. We still have one delicious fortnight and a half left of the sweet season. And even though it's been ages since I set foot in a school, it's hard not to get those back-to-school butterflies every year. They come on with but a suggestion of a chill in the air, and yield an uncontrollable fancy for fall fashion. And a strange desire to stop eating nothing but watermelon for dinner. However, this fall I am actually going back to school. In a minimalist kind of way. Besides my twice-weekly classes at the Academy of Spanish Dance, I've been a very good girl and registered for a course at the Royal Conservatory of Music. It's time to focus and brush up on my music theory/composition, in the name of all my glorious upcoming projects.

I've spent much of the last couple weeks at home, me, myself, my guitar, and the Turner Classic Movie channel. Last night I had big plans to go to the drive-in movie theatre, which is so close to my house it's criminal that I've not yet been. However, I didn't manage to find an appropriate partner-in-crime for my evil plans. We all know I'm not even remotely beyond going to the drive-in by myself. But I'm definitely going to need somebody to help me eat all that popcorn. And If you come with me next weekend, I'll let you pick the movie...

Even though my romantic retro movie-going plans were foiled hier soir, it was was still an incredibly productive evening. I stayed home, ate a legacy of cabbage and diligently practiced my Doc Watson fingerstyle instructional videos. Today, I shall emerge back into the social world for a Sunday afternoon outing with the girls, and an evening with The Beauties at the Dakota Tavern.

And just so you know, the songwriting progress for the new album is going fantastically well! I'm so excited to have something new to share with you all... Hopefully sooner than later.

Lots of love,

La Sweet

Toronto says aurevoir To Jack Layton.
(With the famous Own Sweet Time clocktower in the background!)
More Summer photos here

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 17, 2011 

Toronto, ON

It's been ages, I know, since I spun a Sweetlandish yarn and told you all my secrets. A lot has happened. Many miles driven, photos taken, lobsters trapped, trees climbed, walls scaled, gigs played, postcards mailed, beasts tamed and feasts eaten. Not to mention the message in a bottle I was forced to throw overboard. Do keep an eye on your closest waterway. It may just make it your way soon...

I've been home for more than a fortnight now, with my hands full of Australians and house guests. I've been enjoying the relaxed nature of my schedule lately, taking many naps, having dinner parties, lounging around on my beautiful patio, and thinking long and hard about my life. It's all going well. Plans are in full swing for the new album and I promise to give you all more info very soon!

Played a fantastic house concert last weekend up in the land I call "Farm Heaven." Captain Dirt/Lyndell Montgomery, brilliant Aussie pals Jess McAvoy, Aurora Jane and I rocked the countryside, pool party high heel bikini-core. But I was the only one wearing high heels... And the only one not wearing a bikini. The next day, Jane, Jess and I adventured into Montréal on a serious mission. This involved a clock tower, a very important meeting, an orange guitar, a polka-dot dress and a fresh, hot bagel melting in my mouth. 

A thousand adventures later, here I am at my writing desk in a beam of sunlight gazing out at the churchyard across the street. Like I'd never left. Summer is a sweet time in my neighbourhood, not to mention high season for gettin' hitched. Good thing I love the sound of church bells. Three days a weekend, and sometimes on Thursdays I get to sit here at my perch and watch one bride after another leave the chapel with her dress, her bouquet, her bridesmaids and her groom, en route to her limo. I confess, I always get a bit romantic about it. But not quite as romantic as I felt after watching the new Jane Eyre movie last night. Mr. Rochester does it to me every time. I so need a new type.

Yesterday there were no weddings to speak of, but I peeked out from my writing perch to see a film crew busily preparing to shoot an episode of Covert Affairs. They're always in my hood. I love that show! Which reminds me to tell you to watch for a Sweetlandish cameo on the new season of Being Erica coming in the fall... I love that show too.

Today is about cooking, cleaning and doing my hair in preparation for my incoming BFF later today! I'd make a fantastic 1950's housewife. And you haven't even seen me in my polka-dot apron yet. I've been busy fortifying my kitchen against the army of mice that seem to think mi casa es su casa.  I've decided to play nice first, with some well-placed steel wool and lavender oil. We'll see... I started suspecting I had nocturnal roommates when one by one the bowl of mini cinnamon hearts leftover from my Valentine's party began disappearing off the top of the stove. After pulling out said appliance yesterday, I discovered the one last-remaining lonely cinnamon heart lying in a pile of dust.  I'm not exactly sure what that's a metaphor for. But it's a metaphor for something.

Aurevoir for now my pretties, I promise to write again soon! For all y'all in Southern Ontario come see me play this weekend at the fabulous Back to the Garden Roots Music Festival on Sunday. It's gonna be a blast!

Love love,


Nothing says trouble like a pair of hot Aussies...
More summer photos

Monday, June 20, 2011

June 30, 2011 
Toronto, ON

There's no place like home. I returned to the big city a short while back, with tales to tell in spades. When last we spoke I was packing up my little red van on the streets of downtown Brooklyn... Since then I've made midnight pilgrimages to sacred lands of my youth, sought out beautiful bays where I once cast my heart, cavorted with handsome sailors upon ancient yachts, and made the grand journey home to my sweet Sweetlandish bed. Now I confess, gentle readers, there is more to my story that I may one day tell... But for now it shall remain a mystery.

And as for today, quelle belle journée! It was the perfect temperature in downtown Toronto. Warm, with a lake breeze, just swift enough that one must hold onto their sun hat while strolling. Not to mention the distinct aroma of sugar in the air, drifting over from the Redpath factory on the lakeshore. Strangely delicious, and slightly creepy. This afternoon I did some adventurous cooking, purified my entire premises (aurevoir bunnies of dust!) And then wandered over to the St. Lawrence Market, all in the name of cheese. Now I'm here at my writing desk, observing my daily ritual: Ponder intently whatever I may be composing while gazing at the beautiful church across the street (right now all glowy in the sleepy sun.) And I feel grateful.

I've been doing a lot of writing lately here at my perch, and for that I am grateful as well. Have a couple exciting projects on the go, so stay tuned for more details! Tomorrow I head up Georgian Bay-way to play a Sauble Beach Canada Day house concert. Sweeet. There will most certainly be fireworks.

Happy Canada!


P.S. The last of the photos from my Southern tour are now posted here!

 Back in the big city, baby ... More summer shots here!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15, 2011 
Brooklyn, NY

Word up from the heart of sunny downtown Brooklyn! Me, myself and my metro card have been roaming the streets of NYC all week on a bit of a working vacation. I left lovely uber-rural Rappahannock county Virginia and rolled right into the concrete innards of the big city... A bit of a polar shift. But balance in one's life is important. My memories of my time in the country are so sweet. The silhouettes of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the periwinkle dusk... The sparkling of the fireflies, the twinkling of stars... Not to mention I got to drive a truck though a field down a mountain. And then back up! I also went kayaking, rump bumping, and had a Virginia mud bath. After which my friend proceeded to catch me a fish and then cook it for dinner. All in a day's work.

Here, a day's work is a different thing altogether. I put on my Sweetlandish heels and take on the town. Went on rainy adventures to Central Park, had a fantastic gig at Banjo Jim's, made strange new friends and caught up with some old ones, hid in dark alleys, waited on a thousand trains... And of course, made a few excellent purchases. As well, it must be noted that the gentlemen on the streets of downtown Brooklyn are quite friendly indeed. Canadians on street corners are far too polite to tell you how much they like your outfit, or how attractive you look on any particular day. Judging from the amount of times I heard the phrase "Lookin' good, white lady!"  I think it might have to be the name of my new album.

I also got to see some great music while in town.  Particular mentions to The Silver Daggers from Tallahassee, FL who played a set right after me on Friday night. They were amazing and so lovely that I had to go see them again the next day! And hier soir, I celebrated my last evening in NYC with pals Blackie and the Rodeo Kings for their CD release show at The Living Room. They were brilliant as always and it was one hell of a time.

And now it's time to pack the van and hit the road. Next stop, Newport, RI! I have an appointment to keep with a certain sailor...

Anchors aweigh,


 Central Park in the rain...
More photos from my recent adventures here!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1, 2011
Rappahannock County, VA

It's true. I'm down in the holler again. With the cow cries and the fireflies, the Virginia pine and Virginia wine. Well, actually it was Virginia sparkling wine. And it was delicious and served to me by dear friend, teacher and mentor Paul Reisler when I arrived on his doorstep. I'm staying at Paul's glorious sprawling manor for a week of rest, writing, and hopefully artistic productivity! This house is a magical sanctuary of art and inspiration. I'm quite sure I can make anything happen here.

So how about that weather? It's H-E-double-hockey-stick hot in the South and has been for a good week. Even though I wake up in the morning too hot to sleep and by mid-day my brain has melted into a shadowy puddle of its former self, I am just so happy to not be cold! I'll take it. And the heat wave is an excellent excuse to drink beer before cocktail o'clock, and hose yourself down in public. And jump in the river! As if I needed an excuse...

Since last we met my adventures have been many. Left Asheville full of peaches and grits and arrived  in Savannah that evening. Have been listening to Nancy Drew audio books in the car which has been hilarious and seriously entertaining. The Sherlock Sweetland in me still likes to get her detective on on a regular basis. Not to mention it's excellent research for the young adult mystery series I am going to write soon ... So stay tuned!

Savannah was beautiful and enchanting and my gig was amazing.  Thanks so much to Bill de Young from Connect Savannah for writing such a wonderful article in the local entertainment paper. And not to mention, putting me on the cover! That was a surprise. It was a bit surreal to walk around a town where I'd never played before and see my face on every street corner. I secretly liked it.

The morning after my show I took myself on a romantic picnic to the famous Bonaventure Cemetery, site of my "famous" Girl with the Spanish Moss Hair photo from many years back. Me and my tempeh salad sandwich curled up by a nice comfy grave and had a good think. And I wrote some magic postcards while I was at it. (Check your mailbox, you might get lucky!) After that it was a quick drive to the ocean so I could at least stick my feet in ... Then, a whirlwind trip up to Chesapeake Bay for family visitation and some oh-so deliciously deep-fried seafood. Yum!

And now it's now, and I'm about to tuck myself into bed with Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces and ponder the mythical metaphors of my life. And then hopefully have sweet dreams...



P.S. Just posted new photos from my Southerly Adventures in Sweetland!  Have a peek here.

 Old Savannah in the mysterious light of night.
More tour photos here!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26, 2011 
Asheville, NC

Mornin' from sunny Rose Hill Road. Which is really on the side of a mountain, not a hill. But roses there are indeed, as well as rhododendron, creeping jenny and a giant peach tree outside the window that bears little baby fruit. Peaches have been the theme for the last couple days after my best friend Jenny and I discovered the scrumptious peach bellinis at Tupelo Honey, our favourite brunch spot in town. And today I continue said peach affair by driving over the state line into Georgia!

When I was a teenager I had a list of random and crazy feats of travelling I wanted to accomplish.  This list included such things as finding the source of the Mississippi river, driving down a desolate Arizona highway in a convertible blasting Melissa Etheridge, and making macaroni and cheese on a Coleman stove under the giant Georgia Peach. I have not come armed with camp stove this trip, and sadly I heard tell that the aforementioned largest peach in the Universe may have toppled in the recent torrential storms. I hope they can put Peachy back together again, so that one day we may enjoy some KD together by the side of the road. And so be it.

And even though I'm in America I did not forget my favourite Canadian beer drinking holiday this past weekend. We celebrated with a barbecue, and of course, beer. Americans really have no idea what a two four is. Nor do they have any clue what I mean when I say "give'r." They think I'm "givin' it to her" which, as a metaphor, is unlikely. However I've been brushing up on my Southern speak since my arrival and am remembering the most important grammar rule: "Y'all" = singular and "All y'all" = plural. Everything else is just biscuits and grits ... Mmmm cheesy grits. How could I have forgotten that you are so incredibly delicious?

Now it's time to pack the van and give'r down a Georgia highway! Will report from beautiful Savannah soon. And speaking of Savannah, have a peek at the new Sweet article on yours truly written in honour of my upcoming show in town.

Peaches & grits,

More Photos from my Southerly adventures here!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011
Montreat, NC

O glorious day on the side of a Carolina mountain! I've been up in beautiful Montreat all weekend for the 4th annual South East Regional Folk Alliance conference. Left rainy Toronto last week with my army of small red bags, one girl, two guitars, three hats, four wheels, five jackets, six pairs of shoes, seven heavens, eight destinations and nine lives ... After a few days stuck in London, ON with Ruby the Van in the shop, I high-tailed it straight to Asheville, NC stopping briefly in Kentucky for a burrito. And some bluegrass bourbon dreams.

Montreat is so magical I feel like I'm in a fairy tale. The name was originally shortened from "Mountain Retreat" and retreating I have been, indeed. Don't think I've ever felt so relaxed at music conference. There has been much civilized schmoozing, guitar pickin', and napping in the cool breeze of my open-windowed princess chamber. Upon my arrival I had a sunny repose on the shores of Lake Susan, felt something, and looked down to find a swan nibbling on my red suede toe. I couldn't tell if he wanted to marry me, or murder me. And I may very well never know.

I'm here in folk fairyland till tomorrow, then just a hop, skip and jump to the home of my infamous BFF, Jenny. There will be much girlish giggles, shopping trips and Chinese food eaten before I cruise down the Interstate to Savannah, GA later on this week. I will surely report soon, and until then, je fais les aventures!


Making trouble wherever we go... Obviously!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10, 2011 
Toronto, ON

Happy birthday to me! I'm home at quite a reasonable hour for a birthday girl after a fantastic day and night of celebrating. My ladies and I went out for an amazing dinner at my favourite Toronto restaurant, Julie's Cuban! It's romantic and delicious, and the corn fritters are simply to die for. Afterwards we headed over to the TRANZAC for brilliant pal Jonathan Byrd's CD release show. Incredible performance. Beautiful people. Two subways and a streetcar later, I'm home on my magnificent couch snuggling up with tonight's new episode of Glee. And just for the record, Jesse St. James is a babe. I know I always like the bad boys ... but I think Rachel should really give him another chance.

And sadly, no new birthday photos from my eternal Adventures in Sweetland to share with you! My camera fell to its tragic death from a spiral squash tower in Captain Dirt's Dirty Garden. However, we did plant carrots, beans, tomatoes, cucumber, squash and calendula! And I got very familiar with a shovel, a rake and a hoe. It's a long row to hoe, baby. But somebody's gotta do it.

Two more days back in the big city and then I'm outta here! America, I hope you're ready. Because here I come...


Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5, 2011 
Dalkeith, ON

Bonsoir from drizzly fireside Farm Heaven. I've been up here in the wood smoke and rain for the last few days, enjoying the country quiet and working with Lyndell Montgomery a.k.a. Captain Dirt on a new studio project! We've been recording with the amazing Terry Gillespie in his beautiful countryside studio. Amongst the dairy cows and spring lambs, we rock. Put some Sweetlandish guitar on 6 tracks, mostly Lyndell's tunes, and recorded a couple sweet new instrumentals!

This evening I've just returned home from a Cinco de Mayo celebration at local, delicious Beau's All Natural Brewing Co. Enjoyed some fantastic agave beer prepared specially for the occasion, but had to leave before they smashed the poor piñata. Mmmm. Candy.

While not recording I've been very busy relaxing beside the wood stove. It's been cooold here. That kind of damp cold that gets inside you and no amount of warm, fashionable clothing can cure. The only answer seems to be extreme proximity to fire, whiskey and a warm snuggly kitten (in this case, I'm borrowing Lyndell's.)

Tomorrow I may venture into Montréal in search of adventure and a good manicure. Or I may just take the day to wander aimlessly through the wet woods. As come Saturday, it's back to the big city again.  I had exciting plans to go see Jordi Savall on Sunday afternoon, possibly my favourite classical musician of all time! However, just got word that the concert has been rescheduled due to injury. Hope he's healing well, but nooo! I was so looking forward to the show. I guess I'll be looking forward to it in March, 2012 as well ... Can you believe it's really almost 2012?

So I shall keep you posted on my coming, goings and grandes aventures. This time home will only last for three days, a birthday, a dentist appointment and some epic van cleaning. Then it's back out into the world again. This time, I point Southward! By this time next week I'll be kickin' it in Carolina. Yeah, baby.


My boots, teaching the rhubarb how to be red.
More spring photos here.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1, 2011
Toronto, ON

May Day May Day! Happy Beltane (as it's called in ye olden Celtic tradition.) I'm resposing on my couch after a lovely, wet and delicious evening. I had my ladies over tonight to celebrate said ancient holiday in style. There were flowers and feasting, a May Queen or two and of course, a Maypole fashioned from an old cedar trunk I found up in Grey County. But that, gentle readers, is another story in which once again, a man with a can of beer and a chainsaw saves the day.

It's been quite an amazing week in Sweetland. I've been getting lots accomplished, going to my dance classes and plotting the glory of the coming summer months. Friday night I played a show up at The Flying Chestnut Kitchen in beautiful Eugenia, ON. A place I had never been. Quel aventure! The show was great fun, and the restaurant soooo incredibly delicious. Many thanks to my old pal Charlie Glasspool for inviting me, and Chef Shawn Adler for the fantastic company, (and the best midnight grilled cheese sandwich I've ever had.) Not to mention the first bonfire of the season! I took some cool photos on my drive up that I'll post here as soon as I have time to upload them.

Tomorrow I'll be packing my bags and all my gear into Ruby the Van and driving East into the sunrise ... Going up to Farm Heaven for a week of writing and recording with musical partner-in-crime Captain Dirt. Expect mysterious farm photos and exciting country tales coming soon!

Honey bees and daisies,


 More spring photos here!

Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22, 2011 
Home Sweetland Home

Good morning! The bells in the church tower across the street are ringing to remind us how Good this Friday is ...  I'm celebrating with toast and coffee and my favourite bad TV show. This is my morning ritual: Awake in my glorious polka-dot pillow cloud bed. Lie there and think of 5 things that make me feel truly happy and grateful. (As I'm diligent these days with my Law of Attraction self-help homework!)

Today's list:
1. My incredibly comfy bed.
2. My amazing family!
3. My superhot new boots.
4. My upcoming exciting adventures down South.
5. All the episodes of my favourite bad TV show awaiting me on my PVR (for watching while waking up slowly and sipping strong coffee.)

Next, it's time to make the strong coffee. And sip it slowly. 

Last night I had a yet another magical evening at Hugh's Room. My dear friend Andy White is back in town, this time on tour with Judy Collins. At first I wasn't sure about that combo, but wow what a incredible show! 

When I think Judy Collins, I think my mom. Her voice rekindles memories of my childhood, and I confess, renders me a touch verklempt. At 71 she looks fabulous and sounds just as great as she did back then.  Told some pretty compelling stories too. What a performer. And of course, Andy was brilliant and dashing as always.

On Thursday I drove up to Stratford on a petit pilgrimage to see their show at beautiful Knox Church. And I'm so glad I did. If it weren't for the fact I forgot the memory card for my camera, there would have been epic photographic tales to tell. Said tales would have told of dark passageways, majestic windows, empty banquet halls, gargantuan chandeliers, magic mirrors and stolen moments. And my superhot new boots! At least I managed to snap one secret photo with my cell phone during the show. (See below.)

Wishing fine feasting to you all this weekend, whatever you happen to be celebrating!



Me and my new boots went to church! Like a good girl. 
Secret photo courtesy of my cell phone.

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15, 2011 
London, ON

Bonsoir from the depths of my deep dark chambers. I've left the big city for a good spell in the name of the Sweetlandish suburbia of my youth ... My mom just got out of the hospital after bravely undergoing a full knee replacement. She's doing really well and I'm so inspired by her strength and brilliant attitude. My job right now is fetcher of snacks, walker of dog, freezer of ice packs, and cleaner of my childhood room (the aforesaid deep dark chambers.)

Besides many long walks along dark, creepy hospital corridors I've been spending most of my time out of doors soaking in the spring sunshine. Ursa the family beast and I have been hauling it through the forest every day and I am blowing out the winter ghosts from every last molecule of my being!

Tonight, after the very victorious Operation Dustbunny, I've settled into a pillow pile with a glass of whisky and a stack of my old diaries. I play this little game with myself every once in a while called "this day in history." Here I go back and read old journal entries from the current date in any/all previous years. Always highly entertaining. Right now I'm back in April 2000, writing screenplays, making wishes and plotting my illustrious future... 

And the rest, gentle readers, is still a secret.


La Sweet

P.S. New mysterious photographs from my eternal Adventures in Sweetland here!

Les aventures avec beast! More spring photos here.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011 
Toronto, ON

I seem to be right where you left me. A white sheepskin rug, a Halloween mug of Dreamland tea, a pad of post-it notes, an almost-empty bag of Soma chocolate-tumbled hazelnuts and a fresh black Sharpie.  Looks like there's some righteous plans at work in this sweet Sweetlandish mind of mine. But righteous plans and sweet dreams have never been in short supply. It's what we do with them that counts. Obviously. So no matter how many times I write down in point form:

- Book Fall tour
- Tone abs
- Save the world from evil
- Write that book you've been threatening for like ever

It matters not ... Until I do it.

Out of the corner of my eye I'm watching Ingrid Bergman atop a French hillside fully clad in serious armour.  Her portrayal of Joan of Arc (in the 1948 film of that name) was apparently her life's ambition. In fact she wanted to play said saintly saviour so badly, she formed her own production company and made the film herself. Now that's follow-through. Not to mention the grand powers of manifestation exhibited by Mlle d'Arc herself:

- Hear voices
- Believe them
- Do as the voices tell you
- Save the world from evil. Or at least the country ... from the English.
- Get sainted

Is sainted even a verb?  I conveniently forgot that whole unfortunate execution part. Cause that's not part of my plan at all.

So on this fine and glorious Spring eve, I pledge to continue to act upon my will. To fantasize, dream, plot, manifest and do as the great Joseph Campbell says ... Follow my bliss.

And so be it.


P.S. Amazing show this Friday at The London Music Club with the dashing Rob Szabo! Yeah, baby. For more details visit my Tour page.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 28, 2011 
Toronto, ON

Bonsoir from Casa Sweetlandia. It was a sweet sunny Sunday in the big city and I've been up and going since the crack of the first church bell this morn! I did have plans to be the social butterfly this weekend, but instead gave in to domesticity and repose. It's possible I should have gone out on the town hier soir with all the revelling Junofesters, but opted in favour of a pot of parsnip soup and an old Alfred Hitchcock movie. That's how I roll these days. Friday was monumental, as I spent most of it moving my dear friend Miss M out of her apartment next door. A mountain boxes, a world of treasures and 15 years of dirt scrubbed out of the kitchen cupboards later, she is gone. Bon voyage, sailor twin. You will be missed.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch I'm lounging about, drinking ripasso and plotting my coming exploits.  Stay tuned for new tour dates, album plans and other Sweetlandish secrets coming soon.

And of course, for the newest mysterious photographs from my eternal self-portrait series visit the Adventures in Sweetland gallery!

Je t'aime,


 Aurevoir Miss M! On the roof with the Supermoon.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20, 2011 
Toronto, ON

Happy Spring!

The sweetest of seasons could not have come soon enough for me, and I tonight I celebrate with my peeps in true magnificent style. There will be toasting, and feasting, and burning in effigy, and solemnly swearing to never again spend a full winter in the city without running away. To somewhere warm. Where pool boys run free with arm-fulls of champagne cocktails. And they all look like that babe from Lost Girl. Sigh.

It's not that I didn't enjoy my first full Torontonian winter. I've been so loving my time here and appreciating the simple act of staying in one place. What a novel concept. Not to mention, three months of flamenco dance classes later ... I think I might be getting somewhere! I'd guess that throughout the course of this past season I've attended 20 dance classes, made 30 pots of stew, polished off 40 bottles of red wine, and watched at least 50 classic films. If not 99. And had at least 100 bubble baths.

Now that's a winter resume a girl can be be proud of.

And speaking of bubble baths .... glug glug.


 X-files meets Dr. Zhivago ... In my hood. Fare thee well winter!
More photos here

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18, 2011
Toronto, ON

If you couldn't make it to Hugh's Room for the "50 WAYS TO LOVE PAUL SIMON" show. You can get a taste of what you missed on YouTube ... Watch Jorge Miguel and I performing our first piece of the evening, an instrumental duet à la Simon and Garfunkel! 

Check out the newest YOUTUBE VIDEO HERE!



 With Jorge Miguel at Hugh's Room.
Visit the live photo gallery here!

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11, 2011
Toronto, ON

Mes Amis,

I'm so excited for tonight's show at Hugh's Room in Toronto! The brilliant and lovely A Man Called Wrycraft (graphic designer of both my CD's) has put together yet another eclectic and badass tribute show. This time it's the second annual "50 WAYS TO LOVE PAUL SIMON" - A Loving Tribute to the Music of Paul Simon and Simon & Garfunkel. I'll be performing my first-ever duet with dashing flamenco guitarist Jorge Miguel. Also on the bill are Suzie Vinnick, Eliana Cuevas, Ben Sures, Blair Packham and many more ... See poster below for more details!

Also be sure to pick up a copy of today's Toronto sun for a glorious full-page feature on the show, and an interview with yours Sweetlandishly.

More news to come from the Sweet front soon ... Many tales to tell, and mysterious photos to upload. I do apologize for being remiss in my blogging of late. Will retroactively update you all on my recent wintery adventures asap!

Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme,

La K

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14, 2011
Toronto, ON

Happy Valentine's Day! I am celebrating said most torturous of Hallmark holidays in true Venusian splendour. Had a delicious dinner tonight at Tati with my friends. Black Cod is a fantastic Valentine's date in lieu if an actual human man. It's been a very wintery month chez moi and somewhat of a challenging one. I seem to have come down with that heinous plague of a flu that's going around. And it just ain't leaving quickly enough for me. Cough cough. So I've mostly been doing a good job of lying around in bed and moaning. However,with the judicious application of many hot toddies and much vitamin TV, the patient seems to be improving. Please send eucalyptus rub, and Florence Nightingale.

Honey & ginger,

La K

 True Love ... And the Last Rose Standing

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2010 
Dalkeith, ON

Mmmm back in Farm Heaven at last! When I close my eyes I can still tell I'm here ... The heat of the wood stove, the mew of the kitten, the waft of bourbon hot chocolate, and the sniff of something delicious Captain Dirt is cooking up in the kitchen! This weekend I decided to escape my urban enclave for a much-needed reprieve, and get my country on.  Four days, three jam sessions, two epic snowshoe missions and a bottle of Gentleman Jack later, I am a new woman. 

And it goes without saying, it's so great to be back with my Capitano. Learning new tunes and remembering the old ones ... Stay tuned for news of coming Captain Dirt & The Skirt exploits soon! 

Woodsmoke and whiskey,



Epic snowshoe mission #1. With Captain Dirt.
More winter photos here

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011 
Toronto, ON

Home Sweetland Home after a wee jaunt to Siberburbia. There I slept like a baby and kidnapped one small furry beast! Said beast are I back in the big city, warming up with some parsnip soup, and some serious Cary Grant.

A couple days ago it was my amazing grandmother's 90th birthday. It would also have been Cary Grant's 107th birthday. While I was out at my grandma's party eating potato-encrusted halibut and black forest birthday cake, my PVR was busily recording the Cary Grant marathon on TCM. Besides being the foremost exemplar of the debonair leading man, Monsieur Grant has also recently been starring in my dreams. For reals. But instead of playing a cat burglar, an anxious paleontologist, or a sexy CIA agent, he took on the epic role of "Captain of my Unconscious." Or so he said...

When I came upon him in dreamland, he was all dressed up like a sailor, in a ship sunk far below a phosphorescent lake. It was all rather Flying Dutchman with him just wandering his ghost ship for eternity, manning the depths of my deep, dark soul. Or something. But he didn't even remotely seem tortured. Instead, quite jolly. And very happy to see me. After une petite tête-à-tête, he handed me a helium balloon that lifted me up out of the sunken ship, through the phosphorescent lake, high into the sky, and onto the platform of an old Zeppelin. Where our hero just happened to be waiting for me with a top hat and a bottle of champagne. Obviously. It was a dream after all ... But what does it mean?

Perhaps I'll never know. But I certainly hope there's a bottle of champagne and a debonair leading man in my future. And of course, a Zeppelin.


Avec beast. More photos from our bon hiver here!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2011 
Toronto, ON

Bonjour from Casa Sweetlandia. I'm all curled up in my new favourite perch chez moi, up the stairs on the landing by the window. I feel like a cat. Me, myself, the white sheepskin rug, the damask cushions, three beeswax tapers, a vase of red roses, a cup of strong coffee, and a jar of moonshine cherries are all enjoying the snowy view! It's been two and a half months since I got home from my last tour, and it feels so strange to not be packing up the van and driving away! I'm settling in well to my life in the city, to my new home, new neighbourhood and friends. This is what I wanted. Time to rest, write, focus, develop relationships, take lessons, go to classes and get lots of exercise ...  I guess I will always have the wanderlust. For the more I sit here, the more I dream of desert highways, truck stops, sleazy motels, mysterious strangers and new adventures.

Then I remind myself I can have all those things here. Except maybe the desert highways. "Les Aventures" is a state of mind which I seem to inhabit perpetually. I love strapping on my boots and setting off into the snowy streets with no particular plan or destination in mind. I've been wandering a lot lately down by the Don River. Along the train tracks, through the old abandoned lots and across the old abandoned bridges. Sometimes I meet foxes, and feral kittens. Sometimes I see footprints leading strange places. You can find the new Sweetlandish photos from said wintery adventures here.

As for the rest of the winter, I certainly have no lack of plans. I'm taking advantage of this long block of time in one place to focus on my studies. Operation Woodshed. I'm also hoping making two records this year! One with Captain Dirt & The Skirt, and the other a new Kristin Sweetland solo album that is so exciting, thoroughly plotted and still a secret. Other than that I'll be focusing on my dancing, and twice-weekly classes at the amazing Esmeralda Enrique Academy of Spanish Dance. It is soooo good for my musical brain, not to mention my thighs. I also start another class next week of a different variety. I'm going back to school for real! This time for Fundamental Music Theory and Ear Training. Yikes. I am going to be so smart come spring...

Till we meet again,


 Down by the river ... More winter photos here!