June 1, 2011
Rappahannock County, VA
It's true. I'm down in the holler again. With the cow cries and the fireflies, the Virginia pine and Virginia wine. Well, actually it was Virginia sparkling wine. And it was delicious and served to me by dear friend, teacher and mentor Paul Reisler when I arrived on his doorstep. I'm staying at Paul's glorious sprawling manor for a week of rest, writing, and hopefully artistic productivity! This house is a magical sanctuary of art and inspiration. I'm quite sure I can make anything happen here.
So how about that weather? It's H-E-double-hockey-stick hot in the South and has been for a good week. Even though I wake up in the morning too hot to sleep and by mid-day my brain has melted into a shadowy puddle of its former self, I am just so happy to not be cold! I'll take it. And the heat wave is an excellent excuse to drink beer before cocktail o'clock, and hose yourself down in public. And jump in the river! As if I needed an excuse...
Since last we met my adventures have been many. Left Asheville full of peaches and grits and arrived in Savannah that evening. Have been listening to Nancy Drew audio books in the car which has been hilarious and seriously entertaining. The Sherlock Sweetland in me still likes to get her detective on on a regular basis. Not to mention it's excellent research for the young adult mystery series I am going to write soon ... So stay tuned!
Savannah was beautiful and enchanting and my gig was amazing. Thanks so much to Bill de Young from Connect Savannah for writing such a wonderful article in the local entertainment paper. And not to mention, putting me on the cover! That was a surprise. It was a bit surreal to walk around a town where I'd never played before and see my face on every street corner. I secretly liked it.
The morning after my show I took myself on a romantic picnic to the famous Bonaventure Cemetery, site of my "famous" Girl with the Spanish Moss Hair photo from many years back. Me and my tempeh salad sandwich curled up by a nice comfy grave and had a good think. And I wrote some magic postcards while I was at it. (Check your mailbox, you might get lucky!) After that it was a quick drive to the ocean so I could at least stick my feet in ... Then, a whirlwind trip up to Chesapeake Bay for family visitation and some oh-so deliciously deep-fried seafood. Yum!
And now it's now, and I'm about to tuck myself into bed with Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces and ponder the mythical metaphors of my life. And then hopefully have sweet dreams...
P.S. Just posted new photos from my Southerly Adventures in Sweetland! Have a peek here.
Old Savannah in the mysterious light of night.
More tour photos here!
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