Toronto, ON
It's been quite a month. One for the books, really. It's my first morning at home alone in as long as I can remember, with nothing to do but drink my delicious black coffee, and tell you all my secrets. And so it shall be done...
I had crazy dreams last night. Fell asleep half-reading my new Nancy Drew book, and half-gazing out the window at the church across the street. Somebody left the lights on in the bell tower again. I like to make up stories in my head about what they may have been doing up there. As I certainly didn't hear any bells ringing. I did get to climb up the tower once before. They even let me ring said bell! And really, there's not too much up there besides a ladder and a rope. Then my brain goes all Hitchcock on me, and I realize I've been watching too many movies.
Yesterday I took myself to see Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder in 3D at the Bell Lightbox. It was officially better than no Hitchcock 3D! And popcorn makes a delicious lunch. It was the first of three exciting dates I'm taking myself on this week to celebrate all my recent victories. Tomorrow night I head to the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts to behold My Name Is Not Carmen, a fusion of flamenco, poetry, and philosophical discourse. (They've got my number.) And on Saturday I go to the Royal Winter Fair! It's one of my favourite events of the year. I get unreasonably excited about the giant vegetables. Not to mention, the cowboys. Will be going to see the Canine-Equine challenge on Saturday afternoon for sure. Because, as we all know, I'm a bit of a dog nerd.
And speaking of my recent victories, many thanks to all of you who came out to A Halloween Masquerade Cabaret, and helped make it a massive success! It really was the best party I've been to in ages. If I do say so myself. Amazing photographer Sean Ryan managed to capture some of the evening's magic... You can peek at his photo gallery from the event here.
And in other news, all has been going well with the new album. We get a bit closer every day! Had the dashing Mr. Gary Craig in to rock some more drums for us, and Ken Whiteley -brilliant instrumentalist/producer of my first two albums- came in for some mandolin, banjo, accordion, and bass harmonica. It's gonna be badass. The tracks sound so beautiful, and we can't wait to share them with you all.
Between now and the holidays our work is to get the new Captain Dirt & The Skirt website up and running, then start in on the album artwork! Soooo exciting. I do love me some costumes. And a camera. More on that front soon...
In the meantime, feast your fabulous eyeholes on all the latest photos from my eternal Adventures in Sweetland here.

Sweet secrets ... More here.
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