September 22, 2004
Still down in the holler...
Still down in the holler...
Here I am still, in the little log cabin in the mountains. Never did make it down to Asheville due to unfortunate amounts of hurricaning. Instead, we decided to stay here and make sure the roof didn't blow off from one of the dozens of tornados that touched down in the area. It would have been truly tragique if we came home to kittens in the land of Oz. I have been making good with my "time off" by working like crazy. Have been designing posters and flyers for gigs and practicing praticing practicing like a total nerd. My dad (because he's the best) found me a Learn How to Play Flamenco Guitar DVD set from Homespun Tapes. It rocks, and I'm learning tons. Just wait till I put on my Flamenco shoes with the clickety-clacks and begin singing, playing and dancing all at once... Yeow! Can't wait.
We're having an Equinox bonfire party this eve. Too bad yer all so far away!!! xox
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