Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18, 2011
Toronto, ON

I'm Home Sweetland Home after an epic weekend at the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals conference in Niagara Falls. I've been to tons of these kinds of events in the past, but I confess, this was one of the best. It was so good to see so many of the people I dearly love in one place! It's always overwhelming in the most cathartic and heart-warming of ways. Highlights included Thursday night dinner with James Keelaghan, one of my favourite people on the planet, big hugs from the beautiful Tannis Slimmon, mysterious moments with Mr. Mystery himself, Bill Bourne, and finally getting to meet the newest addition to the Trevor Mills/Selena Burgess family, baby Abigail! Not to mention, the glorious gala dinner and awards ceremony to honour Trevor's papa Paul Mills for all he has given to our community over the years. The highlight of said ceremony for me (besides being flanked at my table on either side by a handsome man-sandwich) was the brilliant film by another of my favourite gentlemen, Monsieur Andy Frank. I don't think I ever leave the gala dinner with a dry eye, good thing my mascara is badass waterproof.

On the first night, I initiated myself with a big adventure down to the falls (which are not a Wonder of the World for no good reason.)  It took me ages to get there, street after street, kitchy hotel after hotel, over a bridge, down a hill and straight into the mist. By the time I pointed homeward I was soaking head-to-toe, wind-blown and seriously high on negative ions. I decided to take a shortcut back, which somehow led me to me scale a muddy cliff (in my Sweetlandish heels!) right up onto some train tracks, over a fence and into a churchyard cemetery. I definitely earned the new photo I took for my eternal Adventures in Sweetland series... so perfectly Halloween.

Then, the universe saw fit to deliver me a strange challenge, as I woke up on Friday morning with absolutely no voice!  I guess the soggy evening's adventure the night before was a bit much for my currently delicate constitution. So I whispered, mimed, smiled and nodded my way through the rest of the conference. I was trooper and still played two of my three showcases. Good thing I have an arsenal of instrumentals, and am pretty effing entertaining... even when I can't sing.

Musically, I enjoyed hearing the lovely Ann Vriend for the first time, as well as new pals Cindy Doire and Andrea Ramolo. Attended a great showcase by dear friend (and newlywed) David Newland, and so wished I could have sung along to the sweet sounds of Jessie Dee and Jacquie B... On the last night of the conference we gave'r till dawn with an all-night jam in the Tunesmith Room hosted by David Ross Macdonald. Somehow it all degenerated into an early morning dance party on the balcony. We drank bourbon out of the bottle and a trumpet played the 2001 Space Odyssey theme as the sun rose over Niagara Falls...


So I'm back at Casa Sweetlandia resting up until further notice. My folks just came by and dropped off Ursa the Sweetland family beast while they're off vacationing somewhere warm. Puppy snuggles are very healing, and the good news is, I just opened my mouth and sound came out! Hallelujah.

Love, honey, and high notes,


Boo! More photos from my recent adventures here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 10, 2011
Toronto, ON

Happy Thanksgiving! It's yet another incredibly glorious day in the big city. I'm relaxing by the metaphorical pool after last night's fantastic Thanksgiving dinner chez moi.  Our meal was delicious and surprisingly vegan, featuring all the traditional fixings à la Sweetland. (And a live concert by the one and only Darlene while I cooked!) Tonight I will also be quite chefly, preparing a vat of saffron risotto for my dear pal Andy White who's in town for a visit.

Besides all the cooking and lounging about in my rose garden, I have been such a busy woman. Making tour plans for coming year, working on the new album, attending strange and adventurous auditions, dancing flamenco in the kitchen, and performing various impressive feats of housework. I've also been working at the Gladstone Hotel lately as an event photographer, shooting some of their amazing music and art soirées. I had a blast there last weekend for Nuit Blanche! You can have a peek at some of my photos from the evening here.

And for new shots from my eternal Adventures in Sweetland...

New concert dates are also now posted on my tour page. Even more coming soon... Stay tuned!



P.S.  I'm so excited to see all my friends at the OCFF conference in Niagara Falls this weekend! Meet you in a dark stairwell.

At the Gladstone...