Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February 26, 2008
Nashville, TN

There's nothing like a night in a sleazy motel with your best friend and some smokin' hot pairs of new shoes! Graphic designer/writer supreme Jenny Brodsky and I had to decompress after Folk Alliance at the mall in Nashville. All I can say is, at least they were on sale . . . And we both feel SO much better!!! Tomorrow morning it's operation pancake and then we're on the road to North Carolina. I'm heading for the hills . . . x

Sweetly shod in the sleazeball motel


Saturday, February 23, 2008

February 23, 2008
Memphis, TN

Greetings from the depths of the annual musical mania that is the North American Folk Alliance conference! This year I've been co-hosting the Little Red Hen Music showcase room with my dear pals Darlene and Jan Bell. We've had a most fantastic and successful year, oh glory! Played some damn fine showcases too, drank some supremely delicious Scotch and most importantly saw tons of my dearest pals I hardly ever get to see. Made some new pals too that I am so excited about (smile.) More on all that later. Now, it's nearly 6 am and it's definitely sleepytime. Nighty-night. x

Andy White came to visit

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13, 2008
London, ON

Sweety Sweetland reporting for duty from the outer-reaches of suburbia. Have been house sitting for my parents while they are in Egypt -- ohhh so jealous I am! But, Raven the dog and I have been having the best time ever and I certainly have no lack of work to do. The weather has been positively beastly of late and I've had quite enough of this whole winter thing. Not to mention -I must confess- I seriously suck at starting the snow blower!! Tried so hard and just ended up collapsed in a defeated snow angel pile at the end of the driveway. . . Time to call that nice man with a big shovel on the end of his truck. Bring it on. Hitting the road south tomorrow. Hooray! It's Memphis is the meantime, baby!

From beneath a mound of snow,

Yours truly xo