Friday, October 29, 2004

October 29, 2004
Victoria, BC

Here I am, finally, in the arms of my beloved Vancouver Island. The drive across the mountains was snowwwy and mildly scary at times, but alas, all went well! It feels good to know I won't be going too far for at least a little while. Time to settle in for some winter months and work hard on the business of the new album. All very exciting. (If only I could find a place to live!) But I trust in the Universe to deliver me wherever I am meant to go. And it might indeed be Northwards, up into the Wilderness. We'll see. I'll keep you all updated. Till then I'm planning on seriously celebrating the advent of my favourite holiday: Oooky Spooky Eve. Got a killer costume planned this year, so look out1 (I'll post pictures for sure...)

Adieu for now,

Your Faithful Me

Jenny & I Halloween Eve in Victoria... spooky, no? She's got the magic Witchblade gauntlet on that gives her superpowers. I've got the sacred heart glowing on my chest and some serious white robes that hopefully might help me levitate... what do you think?

Halloween Eve at Emily Carr's grave in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC.
Honouring our sacred mentors who have passed on...

Monday, October 18, 2004

October 18, 2004
Edmonton, AB

Greetings from snowy and seriously brrrrr Edmonton. Have been here for a couple days visiting with the amazing Mr. Bill Bourne. Bill's been giving me some Flamenco guitar lessons (lucky me) and I've been struggling desperately to wrap my brain (and fingers) around the crazy rhythms and such.... It's going to take me a while but I am DETERMINED to learn! Besides the painful negative temperatures I have been thoroughly enjoying my adventures through the Canadian prairies. Driving has been good, but my gosh it is SUCH a long country, isn't it? Had a truly incredible gig the other night in Calgary with amazing Wailin' Jenny's. They were so good I cried all the way through their second set. It was a very magical evening and I can't wait to cross paths with those fabulous women again, soon. I'm here in Edmonton for another day or so- enough time to get my hair chopped and dyed darrrrk ( in honour of the dark half of the year.) Then off though the mountains to the coast I go... Other Ocean, here I come.

Lady of ye Frozen Road

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

October 13, 2004
Thunder Bay, ON
Sooo sleepy in the sleazy motel... and still such a long country to go! Had a lovely drive today, the blue blue sky, the sweet golden sun and the most beautiful autumn colours I have ever in my life seen. I remain in jaw-dropping awe at the glory of nature. And I feel so lucky to have this life that allows me to witness such things! O Glory! Now it's off to sleep next to the railroad tracks with the choo choo chooing and the ever-impending dreamland...

Sunday, October 10, 2004

October 10, 2004
London, Ontario

Hey folks, It's a crazy time! I've been home in Ontario for a few days only and have spent this time madly packing up all my worldly goods and getting ready to head westerly for the winter (where I'm very much planning on hibernating.) There's tons of new excitement on the horizon... so stay tuned!! Next plan: Pack van, start driving..... again.

Scene from the glorious autumn Marilyn Sweetland