Sunday, August 29, 2004

August 19, 2004
On board the M.S. Chi-Cheemaun crossing Georgian Bay...

The glorious sun shineth down on the decks of the Chi-Cheemaun, a true Ontario institution of Ferry-dom. Just ate too many greezy fries and am so grateful that the waves aren't rockier... or it would be bad. Just had the most beautiful drive ever down around Lake Superior. Bless Ontario where you can drive for three days and still be in the same province (and still have a long way to go...) Have been listening to Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" book on tape while I drive. Cannot believe I never before experienced the brilliance of this true road classic. I am now once again thoroughly renewed in my compulsion to continue my journeying on this crazy ever-road thriving off every delicious morsel of my outrageous adventures. Cause life is far too short not to be fantastically mad and brilliantly insane.

Hence I drive on....

Miss Jenny 'n Me at Summerfolk more summer festival photos here

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

August 16, 2004
Thunder Bay, ON
You gotta love the Kingsway Motel. Every half hour or so the train rips by shaking the walls like crazy and throwing up a wild wind so strong you can feel it through your window in bed... Have been watching the Olympics in French (practicing understanding for my impending spring birthday trip to gaie Paris!) Gymnastics is my official favourite. Man, I'd give anything to be able to do that. Had a long day of driving from Ear Falls today. Spent this past weekend at the Trout Forest Music Festival having the greatest time up in the green luscious Northlands... And saw my very first Northern Lights ever... It was more beautiful then I could have ever imagined. I am such a lucky girl to have this life. Let me tell ya.