Friday, December 13, 2002

December 13th, 2002
London, Ontario

Happy oogledy boogledy Friday the 13th! Hope all is going well out there for y'all out there. My mother is convinced that the name of the day was the reason her poor car's transmission blew up all over the road and and then our sushi order did the wacky... I myself seem to have succumbed to the nasty no good cold that has been plaguing the nation. Boo sniffly hoo! Gonna go cuddle up with a remote control and my little doggy in my big warm bed and dream of summer and Mmmmmm wearing summer clothes...

Saturday, November 9, 2002

November 19th, 2002
London, Ontario

Greetings lovelies. I am now officially HOME after a long bout of here-there-and-everywhereness. I have lots and lots of things I wanna to do here so I am forcing myself into some brand of winter hibernation for a while. Gonna practice with the clawhammer banjo instructional videotapes and start searching out for some Flamenco guitar lessons!!! (Anyone know a supremely divine teacher?) Also gonna finish up the elaborate website Photo Gallery experience and have all links up and running ASAP. Been adding lots of other things to the website as well and now you can BUY MY NEW CD ONLINE! Wahoooo! For your glorious shopping pleasure you can now purchase my new CD "ROOT, HEART & CROWN" in either Canadian or American funds with you credit card on an extraordinarily secure online server. Go Team!

Thursday, October 31, 2002

October 31rst, 2002
Toronto, Ontario

Happy Halloweenie! Yayyy and welcome to my officially most favouritest day of the year.!! This year I am in Toronto and my friends Katie, Miss M and I are going out on the town to ook and spook the passers by. Wish us luck!!! This year I've got a bit of the scary death girl look going on with the skull mask and the black cape and the way-too-much eye makeup. Look out hooligans! Quiver in the face of my towering ferocity! Cause tommorrow it's back to being sweet little Kristin...

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Serena Ryder, Darlene and Lady K at the OCFF Conference 2002
MMMmmmmmmmmmmm yellow world.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

October 15th, 2002
London, Ontario

Hello lovely world. Me and Raven the dog are having a grand old time house sitting for my parents while they are off in gaie Paris. I have been working real hard with the business of graphic design and printing and assembling all my new promotional material to begin sending off to every corner of the wide world. I will be updating the website soon with a secure online store (Pay Pal) so folks can BUY THE CD ONLINE!!! wahoooo! so please tune in again in a couple weeks if you are interested in ordering "Root, Heart & Crown."Also, the photo gallery will soon be elaborately finished with all different kinds of please come back for more soon! Downloadable picture perfect Press Photos coming soon too! 

love, kristin

Me and little Raven

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

September 24th, 2002
Sperryville, Virginia

It is always so very beautiful here I can hardly believe it. I have been getting lots of sleep and having an attempt-at vacation. I'm trying to relax but there is so much rushing around the brain and things to do and songs to write and packages to mail off to yonder land... I have been hiking up to the Hazel River and getting at least a wee bit of excellent exercise. My friend Jenny's neighbour Eric taught us how to blow glass with a big flamey furnace and big metal poles and we made with the blowing and stirring of molten liquid... very cool. I made a little mangled shot glass. photos coming soon!!!. In other news, I sent off a promotional package to the music editor of Buffy the other day... Leaving for Vermont tomorrow with the cows and the green rolly hills and the pretty red barns.

Too bad it's supposed to hurricane all day.


Monday, September 9, 2002

September 9th, 2002
London, Ontario

Hey y'all. I've been back in Ontario for about three weeks now (since my big ol drive home from BC) I've been keeping so incredibly busy with working and organizing and trying to promote this new album and sitting at the computer all crazy-eyed fully revamping my whole entire website from head to toe (all by my wee self... I'm so proud.) But now it's time to hop in my little van and drive drive drive to Virginia. Goin' to visit my dear friend Jenny in her converted motel Shenandoah land... Can't wait. We're gonna have fun and eat lots of veggie corn dogs and good for you health food diet root beer (yes it even DOES exist) I'm also going to do that thing musicians get to do every once in a while (when they have any time at all) called PRACTICING. SOooooo excited. And maybe even do some new writing. I gots lots brewing up... let me tell ya.

I'll give you a full report soon.

love, k

Monday, August 12, 2002

August 12, 2002
Edmonton, AB

Heyyyy y'all. I've been in Edmonton for the weekend visiting with my friend Kara in her lovely new home near Mill Creek Park. I've been have a great Edmonton time and am so glad to have a few days just to hang out here. I cruised into town on Friday and found out that my hero Patty Griffin was playing at the folk fest that night. Yipppeeeeee!!! Great timing. She was so incredibly cool. She was all decked out in pink (a woman after my true heart...) With big platform shoes and her bright red hair. I just stared up at the stage with loving awe as buckets of rain poured on my head. It was so worth it. I spent Saturday not festivalling as I have been feeling a little folk fested out... did some excellent shopping (I am now the proud owner of my new gold leafed Xena warrior princess mug) and went to see Psychic Eva for a rune reading. It was all very strangely enlightening and I can apparently look forward to richness and fame ( we'll seeee......) marriage and babies (not yet please...) and excellent musical career prospects over the next year. Hot Damn! that's good news. Psychic Eva also sees me heading south of the border and relocating to yonder America in the not too distant future.. Hmmmmnnnn. Well I guess you never know. As for now I am planning on relocating to ye olde coffee shop for some caffeination and then power van cleanage. Next stop Saskatchewan.



Tuesday, July 30, 2002

July 29th, 2002
Victoria, BC

I have just returned from a wonderful weekend at the Islands Folk Festival in Duncan. I had such a great time and I always SO love being on Vancouver Island. My dear friend Darlene and I have been kickin' up all kinds of delicious trouble playing and singing and swimming in the rivers and driving all around...We even got to get up on the mainstage during Chris Chandler and Anne Feeney's set and do our little sword twirling hula hoopin' routine for their fabulous circus song... oh so much fun. Look out world!!! It has now been about five weeks since I left Ontario and the road has been so good to me. I have been mostly in Victoria visiting with wonderful friends, hiking in the forests with the big beautiful trees and spending some time genuinely trying to RELAX... is it possible?? I've actually been running around like a crazy freak show most of the time trying to get lots and interviews and radio and reviews.... getting things all set up for the release of the new album. But Hoooray! It's all done and all my lovely little CDs came in boxes all wrapped in plastic and ready to be sent out into the great yonders of the world. So good. I am so happy with how it's all working out. And they look great. (And they sound great too....) It was so worth the wait. Next it's just about finishing up some business here and heading back up to Duncan next weekend to play another show at Vimy Hall. My friend Longevity John puts on a series of shows he calls "Longevity John's Musical Treats" and they are always such a good time. This time I'll be playing with a fabuloso hard core old school "i just rolled outta the dustbowl" old time country croonin yodelayheehooin' man named Petunia. Petunia is from Toronto but we met through Long John a few weeks ago and had a blast hiking down to the Cowichan river and swimming and swimming and swimming... Long John also has a crazy ol' house full of oh so many puppies (and two wee 6 week old ones...) that are so much fun to visit. There are sure to be Good Times ahead.
fare thee well for now... but more later.

Sunday, June 23, 2002

June 23rd, 2002
London, Ontario

Sooooooooooo sleepy ... Been running around Toronto all week with me head cut off trying to get my album graphics etc ... into the manufacturers on time. (It should be ready by July 10th- fingers crossed!) Then I packed wildly and madly for 24 hours straight trying to get ready to hop in my little van and drive to BC tomorrow. whew! must stop to breathe---on top of that I've trying so desperately to fix up the website so that it is lovely and presentable ... I'm not such an excellent computer whiz webmaster but between me and my wonderful mother (who I would be SO very lost without!) I think we got it figured out pretty good. Tomorrow I get to take the Chi-Cheemaun ferry from Tobermory to Manitoulin Island. That'll be fun. And while I'm on the ferry there's gonna be a full moon and lunar eclipse... but I guess you probably won't see it so good in the daytime. Go team cross Canada driving!!! I hope to be in Victoria by Canada day. Good thing I got lots of books on tape. And yummy snacks. 

See you out westerly...

Wednesday, May 1, 2002

May 1st, 2002
London, Ontario 

Happy May Day! (also known as Beltaine in Celtic-Pagan tradition...)This might be my official favourite day. Woke up before sunrise to hike through the forest down to the river. There was frost on all the new hawthorne buds... As the sun rose, I washed my face in the dew, for whomever washes their face in the Beltaine dew is sure to be loved for one whole year...It's true. And I could SO use some of that!!!

Friday, April 26, 2002

April 25, 2002
London, Ontario

We are officially done recording......yipeeeeeeEEEEEEEE! I am so excited and pleased with everything that is happening. Mastering next week. Now onto obsessing about the artwork. I have been working for a YEAR (believe it or not) on the artwork and graphics for this album. Much of it is collage work I did on photoshop from a multitude of different sources. The wonderful and very talented Michael Wrycraft is going to help me out with the layout for the cover and booklet. I'm so excited to see how it all works out... Go team. 

Monday, March 25, 2002

March 25th, 2002
Toronto, Ontario

Happy Spring!!! Had my first day in the studio recording the new album. What a day... George Koller came to play. He is AMAZING. George will be playing a multitude of different basses on about 8 tracks, I believe... and I have even convinced him to sing a Gregorian Chant. We'll be recording an excerpt from "O Quanta Qualia" a hymn written by Peter Abelard in the 12th century. Abelard is famed in history for his tragic love affair with the lovely young Heloise. Their secret (but not secret for long...) relationship lead to his eventual castration and their independent sequesterment (is that a word?) in a monastery and nunnery for life... The song is from a selection of hymns called "Hymn for Heloise" that Abelard wrote during their long separation. Back in the studio tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day...

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

January 16th, 2002
Ontario brrrrrland...

I've been quite the winter hermit ... been up at the cottage on lake Huron writing and writing and gazing out int the frozen waves ... there's bunnies and a gopher and a lovely fireplace ... working hard on finishing up new tunes for the record ... here I go ...